mPower Approach and COVID-19

Dear Partners, volunteers and supporters of mPower Approach,

These past months have been very eventful. Here is how the pandemic is impacting mPower Approach.

Due to the risks of international travel, we have postponed trips through August and will reappraise trips later in the year as we learn more about the course of the virus. If you are a partner or volunteer on any of our planned trips, rest assured that we value our time spent together and will let everyone know if we need to postpone any more trips.

The Louisville Ky office is currently closed by order of the governor, but if feel free to call our office and leave a message if you have questions. We check those regularly and will contact you as soon as possible.

Above all, brothers and sisters, do not fear. God has called us to help others in this time of need-please step forward. God has given us opportunity to reach our world with the Good News-not just that this virus will pass, but that we can have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ! At a time when most of the world is living with doubt and fear, let us be a beacon of light and hope, knowing that our hope, our only hope is Jesus.


Tim Williams, DDS
